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This post will teach you how to Leverage your Blackberry Phone to grow your personal brand as well as business.
So, let’s get started.
Change has a lot of enemies. It is still a mystery why humans don’t easily accept change, this trend cuts across nations and cultures. I am also guilty of not easily accepting change until reality dawns…..
I was a staff of Globacom when Blackberry Phones first hit Nigeria and if am not mistaken Glo was the very first among the telecommunications companies to launch them sometime in 2006 (not exactly sure now).
But, I can vividly recall that most customers would rather by a Nokia or Samsung phone than a blackberry. If you asked me though, the cost of a Blackberry Phone phone back then coupled with the monthly fees were expensive (up to this moment but of course much more affordable) and that discouraged a number of people.
My job as a salesman demanded that I learnt as much as I could about the product. I honestly did fall in love with the whole concept of BIS and BES, such that in 2007 I bought a Blackberry Phone for my friend who preferred a Nokia phone like everyone else (including me).
The question I want you to please ask me is: if you had all this knowledge and you were aware of this facts why did it take you almost 5 years to acquire your own blackberry phone?
My Answer: Resistance to change and Excuses – nothing more!
Apart from the fact that I had a special “something” for Nokia phones, I heard of how weak blackberry batteries were (which is just the truth) and the big one was that I claimed that being a little popular figure (hehe not like Mark Zuckerberg :-) but you know what I mean, more like a local champion), a lot of people would contact me for time wasting reasons.
Tell you the truth, I know better now, these are all but excuses. Fact is that if I don’t wish to be know then I might as well shoot my online brand dead and also shut down this blog or simply live with the realities of building a brand online.
3 months after joining the blackberry messenger (BBM) network, I have over 100+ connections so what is there to hide anymore?
[box type=”note”]So, here is my pin 29659EEB, connect with me on BBM if you want to receive great tips[/box]
4 Tips to Leverage your Blackberry Phone
1. Use Compelling Display Pictures
……Pictures speak a thousand words
Every BBM profile can add display pictures as often as possible. Therefore, you should always use an image and they should be compelling, the type that will wanna make people check out your profile.
One good thing about using images on your BBM profile is that issues of copyright infringement is much more reduced unlike the Internet. So download and use any image you think is compelling enough.
2. Write thought provoking personal and status messages
Do you want to convert prospects to clients? Then, you have got to use effective Call to Action a lot of times. If you images attract contacts to check your profile then you should lead them to do something else which is the purpose of a good CTA. It could be to encourage them to visit your site, buy your product or service, sign up to your newsletter or just them informed.
You’ve got to be careful here because you don’t people to regard you as someone who is just a pushy salesman. Personally, I try to avoid outright sales laBlackberry Phonenguage i.e. Buy this or for sale, instead I go for value-before-pitching. Because I love to create and add value, I have no qualms if I make an immediate sales or not. I understand how powerful relationships are and I do everything with my power to build them.
3. Start a BBM Newsletter
Are you an expert or authority in any field? If yes, what stops your from sending out periodic tips and updates that will help people perform better in your niche or industry?
I send out mine weekly and focus is on Internet Marketing, SEO, New Media, Social Media and anything technology related.
Here is what Chukwudi Udeagbunam of had to say after he received one of my BBM newsletter.
This a very experienced and successful blogger cum Medical Doctor but I was able to add some value just as he has added so much value to me through his blog. Now, you see what its all about, adding value. Read Giving is the
4. Start or Participate in a blackberry group
Two days after I subscribed to blackberry services, I launched the CFA Nigeria group because I wanted to have a platform on the BBM network.
FYI, I am not to be blamed for wanting to maximize any platform – my background as a Network marketer and salesman should be blamed.
I remember I wanted to build a blackberry group of over a 100 members, until my friend Donald said it was limited to only 30 people. Boy was I sad?
I wish you could have access to our group discussion, we are like one big family with some sound reasoning. It isn’t a must you have to start a group because you don’t want to start a group only to have it become stale. So, what’s the use in the first place? If you don’t have the time and patience needed to keep a group alive then just find one and participate.
My question to you is why acquire all the gadgets and yet under utilize them?
Bonus Tip
You probably might not give a s*** about all 4 tips above, so let me add this very simple tip as bonus. A tip that anyone can simply do and that is to give a thumbs up for every single message you receive as long as it is good. Good here means it aligns with your values. For example, if I receive a message that says “that there is no God” – I will give a thumbs down straight up :-)
Think about it, how would someone send you a fantastic message and you move one like nothing happened. Then, you expect the person to be responsive when you send yours tomorrow. No babe! Life doesn’t just work that way.
My decision to wait this long can also be seen positively because I have squeezed every bit of USD out of my laptop, Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 and other devices and trust me if I say my BB phone has already won deals of 5 figures but most importantly built new relationships for me which I can’t quantify materially.
So, before you buy that latest Blackberry Phone think about what you have done with your current one? Why not set a goal that you ain’t gonna buy a new one, come what may, until certain milestones are achieved with these one?
Since, I am a new entrant to the BB world, I am certain I missed a couple of things, so what tip do you think I missed? Kindly share with us in the comment box below.
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