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Every business needs capital in order to take off. Businesses need to scale and be self-sustained. Businesses need to apply the right marketing skills to ensure that their products and services are known.
Businesses need to be on social media, with a view to being publicized online. But there is more to business development than the normal ideas we have about our business. The popular cliche that, ‘Readers are Leaders’ seems to be germane here.
When entrepreneurs read, it assists them in their journey towards the success of their businesses and personal lives. Reading widens the entrepreneur’s knowledge about things that they never knew anything about before then, could work for their careers.
Reading books about people, who have successfully passed through the route that the entrepreneurs are also, bound to pass through too. Such books give, the entrepreneur the courage and assurance that, their businesses too, can be successful as desired.
Reading also serves as a mentorship guide. As an entrepreneur, you might not have a mentor to guide you through your business, but there are books you can read and always learn from, to grow your business, until you achieve your desired goals.
There are certain books that entrepreneurs could decide read and to learn from, in order to have a successful business at the end of the day. Some of these books are stated below:
How today’s Entrepreneurs today, use continuous innovation to create radically successful Business, By Eric Ries.The author of this book enlightened entrepreneurs to the fact that you, having a successful business, does not mean that, it was inherited, or, you that you were at the right place at the right time.
Your success can be measured by you, following the right process every other person went through before you got to that stage of success. This means that you have been patient enough with yourself to learn.
The transforming power of hospitality in business in this book by Danny Meyer. Hospitality is the sole of business. It goes a long way in determining the success of your business. Knowing the needs of your customers and how well you can serve them, determines how long your business can be sustained.
Hospitality should also be extended to one’s employees, suppliers, and partners, because, everyone around you is a “customer”. You should realize that, even, the shop or company next to you is a customer.
How hospitable you are to these people, determines if you will have future clients or not. These are the people who give feedback on your company and can always recommend you to potential clients.
Written by Ryan Holiday, the book stresses on self- encouragement has a means for achieving greater improvement, but be careful not to think that you have been the only one that made your business a success. You should realize that you have come this far because of the assistance of your dedicated staff and the relationships that you have built with people, over time.
You should, therefore, stay humble and keep learning, knowing that, we keep learning every day. You also need to be someone people not only want to do business with but also spend time with.
The real world guide book to emotional intelligence, By Justin Bariso. Emotional intelligence is a key driver to leadership skills, both in terms of leading other people and most importantly, leading yourself. It teaches you how to control your emotions.
The Motivation Myth
How high achievers really set themselves up to win book was penned by Jeff Haden. Building a business is not an easy task, especially, building one that is successful. The journey towards building your desired business is usually, rough and you have to put in a lot of effort and hard work, for you to arrive at your desired goals.
In achieving your desired goals in your business, you have to stay motivated. Your motivation is built on your own, by being patient enough not to skip any learning process, which allows you to improve, bit by bit.
Overview of the necessity of book importance for entrepreneurs
For every business that has come out successful today, all have had their own unique success stories. They learnt to push, even in the face of difficulty because, they have a vision. At some point, they almost gave up, but they had to be their own motivation.
They read about people who have succeeded and gone ahead of them and they are still reading to become better.
Keep pushing and believe in yourself. The next set of resources you read may just be the one that will lead you out of the mess it currently is in and lead your business into a resounding success.