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How not to Treat a Customer – Lessons from my Bad Experience with DHL Nigeria


  • Oluchi
    Posted February 9, 2012 at 10:21 pm

    Chukwuma, I am with you on that. It is not just DHL that needs customer service training, it is 99.9% of companies in Nigeria, especially banks. It is exasperating dealing with haughty staff who do not understand that it is your dough keeping them on the job. I’ve learned to detach my critical self when dealing with them and just get on with it.

    • Post Author
      Posted February 11, 2012 at 12:14 am

      Men no be lie, Bankers are very guilty of that attitude especially if they consider you as nobody. I guess its a sad trend that has already become our culture, I see happen even on the roadsides.I have also learnt to detach myself that is why I am not going to get that parcel. I want it to be on record. They can take to bermuda for all I care….Thanks for stopping by Oluchi!

  • Joe Oye
    Posted February 10, 2012 at 2:12 pm

    I’m now afraid of sending things to my home country (Nigeria) further via DHL!!!

    I know of returning a mail or a parcel when not delivered (i.e. when the addressee cannot be reached or the address cannot be located).

    The quick verdict to return the package is worthy of note and so, makes this post, as well, worthy of being shared among Nigerian expats and even other citizens.

    Thanks to the viral power of the Internet that makes global info-sharing a matter of just-a-click.

    • CFAgbata
      Posted February 11, 2012 at 12:11 am

      Yes Joe the viral power of the internet was exactly what my first email to DHL Nigeria tried explain – no one should umderestimate it for real!

      All I can say is father forgive them for they no not what they do……

      I googled the keyword “DHL Nigeria” and it was no. 14 which simplu means a few links will take it to the first page :-)

      I honestly dont have a lot of times, I would have worked to ensure that yhe international team see’s this post but I’ll just let it be!

  • Segun
    Posted February 20, 2012 at 10:11 am

    This a most terrible way to treat a customer, I hope they get to apologize for this unprofessional act?

    DHL should train its people to avoid this sort of issues

    • CFAgbata
      Posted February 20, 2012 at 10:13 am

      I totally agree that the guy needs training cos he really has no excuse for banging the phone on me not once but twice.

      How sad for a multi-national? :-)

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