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Google Plus may not quite be drawing in the same amount users as Facebook, but millions have already begun drifting over to this unique and potentially powerful social networking platform.
Combined with Google’s many other sub-companies and features, Google+ adds a new dynamic to all facets of social networking and social media networking. This has many users wondering how they can get more friends on Google Plus.
Here are a few quick tips that will begin to draw new people into your Google Plus circles today
1. Invite “Old” Friends Into A New Social Network
People would be hard-pressed to find a significant number of Google Plus users that do not also maintain a Facebook page. This means that there is a treasure trove of friends that are already available to be migrated over.
Searching through LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, and Foursquare accounts is the perfect way to immediately bolster one’s floundering Google Plus account.
2. Import Emails From Friends and Contacts
Working closely alongside Google Plus is Google’s Gmail. It takes only moments to import a huge friend and contact list into Google Plus to begin finding people that may already be on this social networking site. For those with mammoth email and contact lists, it is going to be important to only import those that they wish to interact with and be careful about what social circles they place them in.
A huge feature of Google Plus is the ability to add various individuals into separate circles, keeping a tidy separation between family, close friends, work contacts, and everyone in between.
3. Get Proactive: Find Interesting Topics and Interact
Much like Twitter, Google Plus makes it easy to search out topics and interact with complete strangers or popular personalities. After finding an interesting topic, there are countless ways to interact including the +1 button, commenting, sharing, and adding to circles.
4. Offer New and Valuable Information
Posting personal tidbits is not always enough to draw a huge amount of friends on Google Plus. With this social network it may take a little bit more to keep a steady stream of friends filtering in.
Users can offer funny links, important videos, coupons, local events, or any other exciting information that other people on Google Plus are going to want to see.
5. Help Others
Google Plus is also the perfect place to help those in need. This networking sight can quickly turn into a lightning fast support group for any of those that need it. Whether people do not remember the name of a movie, or are unsure of which smartphone to buy this season, valuable advice can become an invaluable tool when finding new friends and building a lasting relationship.
This strategy is helpful if you intend to use Google Plus for Business.
6. Take Your Time, Do Not Push Too Hard
For the impatient Google+ users out here, it seems all too easy to begin spamming anyone and everyone into their circles.
Unfortunately, this may just lead to annoying other members. It is important to remember that it takes time to build up circles on Google Plus and it should never be rushed.
7. Install The googleCards Plugin Into Your WP Site
For those with blogging WordPress sites, the googleCards plugin can be a huge benefit to both the blog and blogger’s Google Plus account. This seamless widget allows readers to quickly link to Google Plus and add followers with a single click of the screen.
8. Be Yourself and Have Fun
Last but not least, Google+ members should remember to have fun. While it can be a powerful tool for interaction, it is still a social networking platform at its heart. Trying too hard to bolster circles is only going to result in frustration and annoyance.
Instead, taking time to build up circles while having fun will result in a much more satisfying experience for everyone involved.
Jeff is also a consultant and content contributor for Queens luxury condos community.