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Recently, I was invited by Ayo and Debbie of Radio Continental 102.3FM for an interview on how businesses and people can maximize the opportunities on the Internet.
I received a lot of feedback after the interview and here is one of them:
Congrats! Great insight…. and soft sell of the brand CFA…. :). Give it to you, it was great! Fantastic! — TA, Lagos.
Now when you get feedback as positive as these then you must not rest on your oars but strive to constantly deliver greater value. So, by popular request, I have to publish the transcribed version alongside the audio of the interview (to the best of my ability) but you may also want to listen to the interview here or download it here.
Are you ready?
Ayo: It’s time for e-forum. We are diving into the world-wide web this morning and we have a digital media expert, ICT consultant….
Debbie: By the way he is live in the studio, and is not floating somewhere online.
Ayo: Yeah he is.
Ayo: He is the Chief Encouragement Officer (CEO) of CFA Leverage, a Digital Media, ICT and internet consulting company, he was just talking about this new age of internet….. We will be talking more about that in detail, he believes and preaches that individuals and businesses can meet their corporate goals if they leverage on the latest possibilities in a world where barriers and boundaries have been broken by the emergence of information, communications technology. His name is Chukwuemeka Fred Agbata Jnr. We all know him as CFA. In fact for a long time I thought it was chief finance accountant.
Laughs in the studio
Debbie: It sounded like a brand or something similar. Anyway welcome to the studio.
CFA: Thank you very much.
Debbie: hope its as nice as it is online.
CFA: Yeah, it is.
CFA: I’m glad to be here. Good morning everyone.

Debbie: So, For the layman it is believed that the internet….. what we know about the Internet is that it is just a place for people to interact, a place you to chat with your old friends, that’s what people have used it for and to find long-lost friends.
Ayo: But it’s moved way-way further than that.
Debbie: Yeah, that’s what everyone was introduced to it as, you know, Facebook. Oh, lets, you connect, even people now have some verbs such as I will Facebook you later. But now you are telling us it’s much more than that. Tell us what else, you know, what else we can do with it?
CFA: Thank you very much. We all know that the internet has come to stay and the ICT evolution and revolution is here to stay. It is taking place every day of our lives, we are seeing it grow but of course many of us still think that, um, all you do on the internet is to Facebook and to chat, you know, and that’s basically what everyone or what a lot of people do, you know, and, uh, but the truth of the matter is that they there is much more to that. Because, uh, if you have by Nigerian statistics about fifty million users on the internet’s of Nigerian origin, it means that-that fifty million is a ready market for your business for your, NGO, for your function, for your whatever you set your heart to do. That is a ready market. So, it’s for you to tap into it and that’s where you now need to learn how to tap into it. But certainly whilst it is called social media for instance, the truth of the matter is that you can actually do business there and mix it with business.
Ayo: You can do business there?
CFA: Yeah, you can do business there.
Debbie: Still using various platforms?
CFA: Yes. Using the various platforms. For instance, I usually urge professionals to be on LinkedIn (join my LinkedIn network here), you know, while you are on all other networks and you focus on them because that’s where you’d meet professionals with like mind. I believe that’s a very strong network. I believe in their own business model much more than others even though others are beginning to find their footing. For many years for example Twitter, did not know how to monetize their tweets (platform) and for instance I’m even wondering, it’s going to be even difficult for them to monetize tweets within Nigeria because it doesn’t just follow, you know, so LinkedIn sounds more like it, Facebook sounds more like it but they are all good, they all have their place and then I encourage people tap into them.
Ayo: For many years, the Internet was extremely slow. Over time now we have quote and unquote 3G and then now we can see 4G-4G-4G all over the place. Someone once told me that 4G in Nigeria is actually like 3G worldwide but anyway the internet is becoming faster.
CFA: Yeah.
Ayo: As time goes along.
CFA: Yeah.
Ayo: How much benefit is that for business owners and corporate organizations?
CFA: Well, I think a lot of benefit. I mean, four to five years ago, I have been a customer of a particular broadband provider for about eight years now and when they started, it was so slow, you couldn’t stream a video but now, I mean, I watch videos the way I like and you know what it means, that means that a lot of opportunities for organizations to send their ads from TV and to the Interne and to places like Youtube, Vimeo etc. So it gives a lot of opportunities for businesses and individuals. I was in a function recently and a learned PHD holder from the Lagos business school (LBS) was talking about how the American society has 14,000 universities (4:00) and that Nigeria has only 120 universities.
So he was basically giving a comparison of 14,000 universities as against about 300 million plus people and 120 universities as against 150 million plus people. You know, so I made a comment and said to him that you have not added the online universities. Now if you add that you would be shocked that American universities have gone past the 20,000 mark because, you know, the truth of the matter is that those universities are serving a lot of individuals now and guess what is happening now? Each time I go visited a friend or a client, I see something on the table that shows they are doing one online course or the other. And I ask them, “Are you doing a course online?” they say, “Yes.” I mean its happening more frequently now.
Ayo: I did something I was part of a webinar, yesterday. So this person was teaching for an hour and they would ask a question and you can type a response and they would respond to you. So you can watch like you living in a class this person is teaching, you are listening (6:00) to them and you would say, “I didn’t understand what you just said” and then the person would now repeat, “oh you didn’t understand what I said, this is what I meant”. And there were about 100 people.
CFA: Wow!
Ayo: I remember someone was from India, someone was from Argentina, all logged onto one live chat.
CFA: Yeah. You know I do that frequently and, uh, it’s so funny how it works and, uh, you know, before now it was very difficult to have that because you need to have a good internet service to be able to enjoy a webinar.
Debbie: Yeah.
CFA: You need to have a good internet service.
Debbie: Because I have tried to write an exam online, and it was frustrating.
CFA: Wow. But you see okay and again because you are a Nigerian, and that’s why the Nigerian is, you know, innovative. You see, for instance when I want to do a short online course. What I do is very simple, I get two service providers and I put them on, so I ensure that if one goes down I switch to the other immediately. So as a Nigerian you got to be innovative, yes you have challenges but then your country is a gold mine.
You must understand that fact and that reality (7:00) and guess what most of the e-commerce sites you hear of now and you see their adverts online now are not owned by Nigerians. So the question is what are the foreigners seeing that we are not seeing? There must be something they are seeing, 50 million users on the internet is huge. We are now the 10th largest internet users population. So what else do we need to hear or do to understand we have the market.
Debbie: I think what you talk of resources now, you can’t just mention the human resources and the mineral resources, you have to mention the online resources, online resources.
CFA: the ICT resources, it’s quite huge.
Debbie: We have to mine the diamond online.
CFA: It’s quite huge. And that’s where we can take education to the next level, bridge a gap between those who know and those who don’t know.
Debbie: Before we discuss the matter of education. This-this your recurring issue that’s the- the reason why the education sector is failing is because most students now have phones that is distracting them. CFA laughs Do you buy the idea of having these same set of students even more exposed to the online world? (8:00)
CFA: Well you see, it’s a reality that has come to a stay. So it’s not about whether I buy the idea, I don’t buy the idea. See the average youth right now the phone is as close to him or her as the parent. That’s a truth. You know parents stand us this factor this reality. That the average is, I mean recently my cousin failed to go to a Church service and I seized her phone. She felt like, I mean she told my wife that I just hurt so much, that this is her companion. So it just tells that for the average youth of today…………
Debbie: That’s her best friend.
CFA: I mean that’s that’s your best friend, you know, she plays her music there, everything. So what-what we can do as a society is to try and begin to educate them on the benefit and the positive uses of these things because they have come to stay, uh, and I heard about a state government trying, trying out the hands on tablets, I mean they bought thousands of tablets from SS1 to SS3 in the South West and they gave it out and they loaded all the educational materials, all their text books right there. So that means the access (9:00) to text books are cheaper. Now a parent will not complain oh I don’t have money because, you know, it just brings down the cost of a lot of things. But then it has its own side effects and that’s where we have to now use education just like the, um, television. Television has its own ills, it has its positive sides but at least the most important thing about the internet is that it has liberated information.
Debbie: You know, we are quite when it comes to discipline, human beings they, it’s hard, it’s hard to do this.
CFA: Yeah, true.
Debbie: We have to learn it.
CFA: True.
Debbie: So, do you think we need regulations as regards the use of things like an active regulatory body?
Ayo: I remember there was a time, uh, this was in 1999 where you only had an hour of…
Debbie: Yeah.
Ayo: Internet service and then it would cut off.
CFA: Yeah.
Ayo: And then you had to sign on again
CFA: Yeah.
Ayo: And then it will cut off.
CFA: Yeah. Yeah, true-true. No, it’s gone so-so better now. Now-now let me just talk about Ayo mentioned before I go to what you just said. It’s gotten a lot better and we must appreciate the fact and that’s what I tell people I tell youths (10:00) of like minds, I say there is hope for this country. I mean if we cast our minds back I mean I know where I used to go as even as a young person I had to pressure my pa-my dad so much, he said finally, go and get a-a phone line, Nitel phone. And I got there for months and months and months I tried to get the line, I couldn’t get the line but today I have access to all what I need. Now the webinar thing you pointed out now. The beautiful thing about that is that you now have a mobile app for most of the webinar companies. So it means that while on you’re on the go, you can actually be involved in a webinar not even sitting down because you just have the mobile apps and then you log in and then it works and then our Internet has pretty gone, um, cool. You know.
Ayo: At CFA some people are saying what is a webinar? So…
Debbie: Yeah.
CFA: Well, a webinar is simply a seminar on the web. That’s just basically its webinar. So seminar on the web. So you get people together so that means that a professor can be in New York and he will get his students in Lagos, Kaduna, Ekiti and then he will do a one hour, two hours course with them (11:00) and that’s why people must understand that education has moved to the next level. In fact, I mean in the next two-three years we’ll be talking about online PHD, right now its there but it’s not become popular. All you need to do is do your research, send to your professor. He marks it and then you are done, and the beauty about is online universities they are so smart. They wouldn’t tell you on your certificate or what is it called on your notification of result they wouldn’t say, “Online”. They would give you the regular certificate that they give to regular students.
CFA: That’s the truth, you know.
Ayo: Let’s cut to the chase. We have you in this studio for-for not too long and we must get our money’s worth.
CFA: Yes.
Ayo: Anita on Blackberry says, “Look I have a wedding blog or a forum online and I want to drive traffic to it, what do I do?
CFA: Well, um, okay just like offline.
Ayo: We know-we know you are a consultant so.
CFA: No, no.
Ayo: We will take free service.
CFA: No, no I will be happy to that I mean freely have I received and a little bit freely will I give, you know, (12:00) but in reality just like you have offline content rules the world. I mean TVC as an organization needs content to keep its viewers busy with it, so is the same way. If Anita’s blog is empty of content, Anita cannot attract and keep visitors. So even Anita has a budget of 1 million dollars for advertisements, for example, Anita would attract but Anita wouldn’t keep. So for Anita to attract and keep Anita must-must-must develop good quality content and that what is lasting.
Ayo: And that’s step number one?
CFA: Yes, step number one.
Ayo: Okay-okay. I want her to take notes.
CFA: Yeah, step number one, you know, so-so she must develop good content and after she-she has fairly good content then she cannot begin to think of other strategies. Strategies include; search engine optimization, optimization for her, her website based on what she wants to…
Ayo: How do you do search engine, I have heard that terminology so many times. Please break it down for us.
CFA: Okay, um, search engine (13:00) optimization is simply optimizing you content, optimizing you website. Now it’s even gone to optimizing you social media profiles to pop up on the search because you see everybody, every-every network now has a is- is actually in-built search engine, so for instance if you go to Facebook just launched what is called Facebook Graph and Facebook Graph is trying to mimic Google search, uh, they give the- I mean look at the statistics about a billion users. And so the guy is looking at; okay, if I can get people to search within rather than go to Google I may be able to take the chunk of the adverts, you know, the Google is doing right now.
Ayo: the Google is doing right now. Which is very smart.
CFA: You know, just, so he is testing Facebook Graph and- and also LinkedIn, my favorite network also has a LinkedIn search where you can get professionals. So it means that for-for you to do anything online you must optimize your profile, your content, your website to pop up in the search results.
Ayo: So is it like a company does this, or you can do this personally yourself?
CFA: Well if you have-if you have-if you have the time in the world yes you can do it but you know, it is a painstaking process (14:00) and it’s a manual process. Now if you automate the process, this is the mistake a lot of people make, um, when I see people who say they are experts and they try to automate the process. Now when you automate the process you are regarded as spam, and, um, search engines can block you off the search results sites, you know, so you must manually build you links, manually optimize your site and if you can do that fine, but let me just give you an instance a major part of search engine optimization apart from content development is called link building and link building involves you pointing links from other sites to your site, so for instance if you get a link from Wikipedia to your site, it is an authority link and so that link has more power than if you get it for example in lower site. So the page rank of a siteaffectsthe quality of a link. So the more links you have pointing to your site the more your site would be regarded on the search engine results.
Ayo: Okay so what I’m doing is I typed in Adebola Ajiboye on Google.
CFA: Yeah.
Interviewer: And, a LinkedIn accounts came up first.
Debbie: Okay. (15:00)
Ayo: And it says, fishery. University of Ibadan
CFA: Is that you?
Ayo: So that’s what came up and I typed in DJ Clem
CFA: Yeah.
Ayo: And sound card came on and Bella Naija came on. I guess, DJ Clem was there or something.
CFA: Yeah.
Ayo: I once
CFA: Yeah.
Ayo: So interesting. So how can you determine, for example if Debbie once Debbie at the top.
CFA: Yes.
Ayo: How do you get that?
CFA: Now that-that means is it on Debbie, is it on Debbie?
Ayo: It’s, I don’t think it is.
CFA: Okay so that’s means that we have work for you to do. Well what Debbie needs to do first of all, the very simple thing Debbie needs to do right away now is to complete her profile 100 percent, you have got to complete your LinkedIn profile and that means that you got to add every single thing that you have done, um, and then you have to add to your passion, you know, things that you know, you love to do, broadcasting, fashion. You have got to also make it (16:00) as rich as possible. The more just-just like, um, the more content you have the better. I mean the content rules as I speak today. So if you a lot of content on your profile it’s going to help you profile rank very well.
Ayo: Okay so going back to your point, you said that search engine optimization, you said you must have contents.
CFA: Yes.
Ayo: Okay, so what are some other things?
CFA: Yes, and then you-you when you have content you must be able to build links to your content, um, links must point to your content. For instance, uh, if you-if you build the something called hyperlink, okay let’s see okay let try break it down. Keywords, now there is something called keywords, keywords for instance is if for instant Ayo is for public speaking.
Ayo: Okay.
CFA: So for instance if Ayo was to ranked for public, uh, public speaker in Nigeria.
Ayo: Okay.
CFA: So that-that’s a keyword and that-that will likely be a competitive keyword that will be competitive keyword. So when Ayo develops his or his article what Ayo needs to do is is that Ayo needs to try and, uh, create space for that in the article. Let’s say, um.
Ayo: So that phrase must be my article? (17:00)
CFA: Yes, should be your article. And if for example, you can now create a link from that article to you LinkedIn profile or your Facebook profile or where you talk to more a lot more to about public speaking. So that-that creates, that gives you opportunity to rank, you know, so…
Ayo: Is there a school for this?
CFA: Is there a school! I mean I learnt it hardcore, you know, so..
Ayo: Here-here is another question, this is coming from Effie. Effie says, “I’m really ashamed of asking this questions, because I visit a lot of websites and I make purchases online, uh, how do I advertise my business on Facebook and even on my own website? Is that possible in Nigeria yet?
CFA: Yes, very possible, very easy to advertise on Facebook but-but just the caveat for her is this, before you go on spending your dollars or money to advertise, you must ensure that you have content, you site has good navigation, your site is search engine friendly, you site social media optimized, um, because that’s where you get shares (18:00) Uh, now if you don’t do that, you may just be throwing away your advertising dollars. So you try and as much you can, to get that done then you can now advertise on Facebook.
To advertise on Facebook: Just simply go to Google type “advertise on Facebook“, you see the link, click on the link and then put on the advert. But then again you-you if you- and that’s where you just cant run away from hiring a professional especially when you have big budget. You just have to learn it or you just get a professional because it is possible for you to spend more than you need to spend if you don’t optimize pay per click ads properly because normally there are two types; there is the pay per click and cost per impression.
Ayo: Explain that because I have seen now on Facebook before there is pay per click and then I hope.
CFA: Cost …
Ayo: If you have any questions, 08190551023-08190551023, we only have about ten minutes left. 018436333- 018436333. Okay so pay per click.
CFA: Yeah, or pay per click is a form of (19:00) internet advertisement.
Ayo: Okay.
CFA: It is what it is when somebody just places an advert for example in the dailies and then pay per click is- is basically of two, um, two types, uh, ‘cost per impression’ and then ‘cost per click’. ‘Cost per click’ is when somebody clicks on your advert and then goes to your landing page or website or wherever you want them to- to visit and then cost per impression is for views and that’s basically works more for fashion or for superstars when they want to place an cuts in
Ayo: Good morning. Good morning. Okay we lost that one.
CFA: Yeah, so-so cost per click. And so what it simply means is that if you don’t optimize your advertisement properly you just spending so much on your cost per click and then just making money for the company whether you are using Google ads or Facebook ads. So you just need to understand how to get this done properly so that you don’t do it because the truth of the matter is that, um, if-if you don’t do these things, yes the advert would be running but you may not be getting (20:00) the most of it, you know.
Debbie: So that’s if I have a product to advertise on my blog?
CFA: Yes.
Debbie: If I have a blog?
CFA: That, not necessarily if you have a blog, you have a website. Uh, you know, the foundation of it is this, if you want to go into any form of internet advertisement, you should have we call it a landing page but it is important that you should have a website.
Debbie: Okay.
CFA: Somewhere you refer people to, you see you need to create a hub. You know, the mistake most of us make these days is that we spend too much time on the social media sites and we neglect what our platform or our brand is. So in as much as you want to do stuff on social media, you should take yourself to-you should take your-your clients to your brand to your website. So it’s a very important, otherwise you just, you know, maximizing your opportunities.
Debbie: So how does that translate to account for the company towards, uh, of course, uh, profit? How does that work?
CFA: Well the truth about (21:00) the Internet is that there is no quick fix, there is no magic, okay so it’s just like, um, a company wants to place an advert and then we know that, uh, the company, we know, I mean for example the Telco, I mean the Telco’s everyday they bombard our lives with the same advert, why do they do that? So just to keep themselves in our-in our impression. So for-for a business when you go on the internet you must understand the patient aspect of the business and then you will follow up, you must be able to do proper follow up.
Now one of the things that would help you in that is to ensure that you have good analytics on your website. The analytics will help you to enable track what you need to do, uh, on your website to so that your website, so that you- you understand the behavior of your perspective visitors. Uh, it shows you stuff about your visitors, it shows you when did the demo graphs
Debbie: It surfs way like that?
CFA: No this just a code and you put it on a website, you know.
Ayo: Just the code, the way he says just the codes. We are so confused.
Debbie: Most times I wonder how websites are able to calculate the number of visitors that they have (22:00) on a page.
CFA: Yeah.
Debbie: So they are there is actually.
CFA: Yeah, there is something called Google Analytics, and when you, I read somewhere is a free service, I mean Google does everything free but of course, you know, is this another game but it’s free and then but, so you put the code on your website
Debbie: Okay.
CFA: So, uh, after a while it starts showing, um, not really exact as it were but it has it gives a fairly good idea. But also there are also other competitors too….
Ayo: Yeah, so someone asked about, um, people being able to buy, uh, items of the of their websites. The same Facebook person said let’s say I want to sell things on my website, uh, how is that possible? Can you do that? I know I have seen, um, adverts on Youtube of some companies now where you can buy things and they ship it to your home.
CFA: Yes
Ayo: You know, you can use your regular bank, uh, debit’s card.
CFA: Yes.
Ayo: So what this step by step process if you want to do the same thing?
CFA: Well, I must commend that innovation (23:00) you know, Uh, uh, I was looking to consult for one of the guys when they came in and I was impressed by the fact that they came into Nigeria, South Africans by the way, and they understood the environment and they knew that people may find it difficult paying with their debit card when they don’t see their product and so they bought about this idea of, uh, pay on delivery and that’s that’s really runaway success to an extent, you know.
Debbie: Yeah, yeah.
Ayo: So when you see it you pay.
CFA: You pay when you see it. Because you know the average Naija man, is a sharp guy.
Debbie: Yes, yes. Seeing is believing.
CFA: Seeing is believing so they understood this fact and that is what they gave to us and right now that is really winner for them, you know, so-so for her-for her, uh, for her-for him that’s a challenge, has she build trust enough for me to part with my money with seeing the product? If she hasn’t built that trust then she needs to work on building that trust. But once she has gotten the trust all she needs to do is setup a platform, two ways you can either have an e-commerce platform or have a simple webpage and with a contact page plus your contact information. The issue about trying to integrate (24:00) payment platform right now in Nigeria it’s not what is very handy right now because of, you know, the way it is you know,
Ayo: Is it impossible?
CFA: No it’s possible, I mean it’s very possible but it’s not so handy, it’s not for instance in the US you could simply just, uh, log in, get a paypal, account and you know, with this..
Ayo: Because this is a frustrating when let’s say you are trying to, um, buy something from this person and then there is the whole, this is my account number, go to this bank, deposit it, scan your deposit’s slip and then email the deposit slip to me and then I will now send you the matter. That’s like twenty step. It’s so frustrating.
CFA: Yeah, but I you wouldn’t blame people because funny thing give you – give let me give you a simple example. One of our-our business websites we have a pre-made platform, but guess what I people still prefer to pay in the bank.
Ayo: Because they want that slip.
CFA: Yes, they want that slip as a proof. So-so you know, what-what it simply tells us although what it service but it simply tells us (25:00) the pay on delivery system for example really fit’s the environment as at now. So another thing I know that would really help a lot of businesses, a lot of individuals is when the mobile payment really fully comes into stream in that would be much easier, you know, I don’t see-I don’t see, um, I don’t know how except if a company-if the competition grows and then the companies in charge of the payment, card payment right now it’s frustrating except they improve their services they-they improve their-their everything, infrastructure then we can see bit of competition. You know.
Debbie: Even as much as we are trying to move business online I think the human face factor because you-you-you when you transact businesses with online I mean online, sometimes when you, there will be a need for you to talk to someone.
Ayo: Is it a Nigerian factor?
CFA: No- no-no I think the world wide thing. One of the things I see..
Ayo: Because I used to buy things and I have, you just buy it and it’s within three-four days is in your front door.
CFA: Yes.
Ayo: And you don’t even.
Debbie: I have had and opportunity to to buy something online (26:00) and there was a area there was a mix of something and so how do we correct how does that work if they are online? That was why I said the human factor…
CFA: No I still think that we should- we should get this straight. I think the human factor should always come in and that one of the is icing technology. I mean often times I see myself, I-I start turning to nerd, you know, I could see them for hours for days from my system, you know, and I would feel that I’m missing anybody and it’s very sad. So yes everything we do as business owners, as individuals we must do our best. I’m sure that the human factor is always visible. I think that’s the way to go.
Debbie: Yeah.
CFA: I think that’s the way to go.
Debbie: That’s why I said it because most time because we are online we forget that someone this is a human being. So when does when the error did happen. I was expecting at least a phone call.
CFA: Yeah.
Debbie: We are sorry about this.
CFA: Yeah.
Debbie: I was transacting back and forth back and forth…
CFA: Yes, yes.
Debbie: So tell me and to reassure you
CFA: Yes, yes
Debbie: Confirm that this is what happened.
CFA: True.
Ayo: Okay, uh, sorry someone-someone is, uh, taking us is asking how do you open (27:00) a blog?
CFA: Wh-okay, uh, I take that right, uh.
Ayo: How do I get to blog.
Debbie: Before you ask that question let’s say if you can say something, okay, I guess not.
CFA: Okay, well uh, now there are two ways to get your a blog. One way I don’t recommend, one way I recommend but I want to say the two ways. Uh, the first way is to get a blog that is hosted on the a general blogging platform for instance So just visit and then open your blog or visit and then open your blog. Well I don’t recommend both because I believe that you I believe that anybody who wants to spend because it’s not just about money. Your time is a resource, so anybody who wants to give any of these online should think of his or her brand that’s what I believe, you know, and I- I preach that everywhere I say that everywhere.
Ayo: You are saying we should take away the or
CFA: Exactly.
CFA: It should be your brand
CFA: It should be your brand; I mean it should be your brand. (28:00) And it’s very simple, so that’s the starting point, um, you can start with that but I just encourage you to just go for itself probably self hosted blog so that you know that it’s your brand, it’s your content. For instance, um, Google can wake up one morning and pull your plug and say for whatever reason because that’s what you signed to when you signed for for whatever reason based on their own assertion they can shut down the blog.
Debbie: Which also brings me to the fact that we-we tend to click in when we see, you know, when I am signing up for something given this terms and conditions, I can simply importance all this talk because who says…
Ayo: I don’t think I have ever read that
Debbie: And those things really matter when we transact business online.
CFA: Well do-do we really have a choice? I mean you want open a Facebook account and if you don’t like it would you say you want to shut down your Facebook?
Ayo: You get mad and then they send you an email that well in the terms and conditions
CFA: Thank you.
Ayo: You clicked an..
CFA: I mean-I mean
Ayo: Arrr.
CFA: Yeah, so I think that I think that well (29:00) I don’t read it I mean I don’t read it because I know I need service, especially when the service is in quote free service.
Debbie: Okay.
CFA: Because there is no free meal. So if Facebook is giving me a free account it has to make money somehow. So right now Facebook is selling our data to make money. That’s the truth.
Debbie: I remember when instragram started that.
CFA: Yes.
Debbie: They wanted to start selling pictures of people
Ayo: Yeah, yeah.
Debbie: And people started crying, well in mind I said but you clicked I agree.
CFA: And you know why? Because underline every venture is need to make profit.
Ayo: Yeah.
CFA: So Intragram found out that we keep spending money on resources and we are not making profit, how else do we make profit? And the only way to make money based on their business model is just to sell, uh, people’s profile and data.
Ayo: Uh, wow, it’s so much. So so much to talk with so little time.
Debbie: We cannot navigate the whole space…
CFA: No-no certainly not.
Ayo: His name again is Chukwuemeka Fred Agbata Jnr. call him CFA, (30:00) Chief Encouragement Officer of CFA Leverage, a Digital Media, ICT and internet consultant company, thank you so much for joining us on the program.
CFA: My pleasure, so happy to be here.
Ayo: I hope people were able to learn something; we have to bring him for part B for more questions
CFA: Yeah.
Ayo: We have to head out at this point in time, we are out of time but we want to say thank you all for listening, we do appreciate it. Uh, for those of you on BlackBerry, uh, thank you very much for all your thousand messages, we do appreciate it.
Debbie: Yeah, you have been part of the show online.
Ayo: And don’t get mad when we don’t respond instantly. We are getting there, we will get there. My name is Ayo.
Interviewer: My name is Debola.
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