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Today, passwords are as important as the Internet. A Password is the major way to secure your profile or business online and it is required on almost all major websites, from SME Toolkit to Facebook to Twitter to CFA Leverage.
The more difficult to guess your passwords are, the safer you are online.
I have met quite a number of people that use one password across multiple sites. What a big mistake, just one malware dropped on their PC, opens them up to scams and phishing.
The purpose behind this post is to help more people leverage some the free tools I use.
It is extremely important that you use only secure passwords that are very difficult to guess. My ideal type of password should be alpha-numeric letters with symbols (if the website allows).
One thing I must say right away is that it is not very easy to memorise difficult passwords so I suggest you automate the whole process by trying out the tools I am about to share.
Why Automate your Secure Password creation process?
I love automation because it helps take the stress off you and so over the years I have used a number of tools to manage my passwords. My passwords are well over a thousand, so tell me, how I could have saved over 1,000 difficult and in most cases long passwords?
Only with these tools;
1. Roboform Password Manager
I used this tool for over 5years and I must say that I really enjoyed it. It helped me generate, save and manage all my passwords.
Back in those days, cloud technology was not popular so roboform was served as a desktop application and in fairness to them they did very well. They failed to innovate and gave rise to a new kid on the block that went totally cloud and consequently won me over.
That said, I chose to mention Roboform 1st because they are more like the Granny of password managers. So I suggest you give them a shot and report back with your experience
2. Lastpass Password Manager
This is my favourite at the moment, I stopped using Roboform almost 2 years ago because I found Lastpass – a secure cloud solution that is completely free to use. Although free but I decided to become a paid subscriber ($12/annum) as a way of supporting the lastpass team.
Lastpass works well with all major browsers and will seemlessly integrate during installation. Do me a favour? Give lastpass a try right away and let me know the outcome.
I am aware that most browsers now have password managers but trust me you are better offer with a secure external service such as lastpass and I highly recommend it for you.
Another good aspect of any of the above tools is that they can also fill your online forms with a single click. If you begin to observe, filling of forms is one of the greatest time wasting activities online and you better off automating this process as well. I have over 10 profiles saved for different websites, so I decide the profile to use based on my perception of the website requesting for it.
NOTE: Most password managers will request that you create a master password, ensure you use a master password that is very difficult to guess. The strategy is that I save my master passwords on my pc, inbox, google docs., dropbox and phone. This way I have little or no fears about losing it.
Take Away Tips
- Always use secure passwords.
- Never use the same password across different site.
- Try out the tools mentioned above.
- Use secure master passwords, if using any of the tools above.
- Never ever create a password using your names or children’s name :-) – people do this a lot you know.
- Avoid sending your password via emails and change them monthly or quarterly.
- Finally, download and try out
Feel free to share your experiences below. If you one of those, who believe or tell me I am doing a good job then prove it by commenting or sharing this content. Don’t wait until I am know more to share the love.
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