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I am CFA – Conditioned for Accomplishments and this is simply the motivation behind what I do or say. I care less about being as wealthy as Bill gates or Aliko Dangote or as popular as Tu-face or Jay-z. What is most important to me is to I live a life that glorify’s God and benefits man.
I would like to say what Apostle Paul said towards the end of his life;
I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith: 8Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me at that day: and not to me only, but unto all them also that love his appearing. – 2 Timothy 4: 7-8
This is my prayer and confession to God Almighty on a daily basis.
Personally, I want to reign in eternity with Christ and I invite you to tag along – accept him as your Lord and personal saviour today! What would it profit a man if he gains the whole world and loses his soul?

The above is a Facebook message I received from one of the students that heard me teach and speak about Motivation, Business Experience, Internet, Social Media, and SEO services at a FATE Foundation‘s Aspiring Entrepreneurs Programme (AEP) Class.
I left my audience excited, motivated, inspired, enlightened and re-energized for the bumpy entrepreneurial road ahead. Guess what? I confidently told them at the start of my presentation, that this is the best class they would have and I did my very best to live up to that “public display of arrogance.”
I decided to become a FATE Foundation Volunteer and speaker because of my conviction that I have so much to offer in my niche and this conviction stems from the fact that;
- I walk in the way of the Lord.
- I have paid my dues on the Internet.
- I have tried and failed thus gathered experience.
- I have read and still read quality books.
- I consciously work hard to remain humble because pride goes before a fall.
If you know you have something to offer in a particular field, you may wish apply here. (Just say CFA referred you)
Let me say this with every sense of humility and responsibility, it is very unlikely that I will be a speaker at your event and not get your audience inspired, motivated, re-energized and renewed, this is because of my unique, down to earth style of presentation.
3 Reasons Why I should be a Speaker at your next event.
1. My Strengths as a Speaker
Just like every human, I have my areas of strength and weakness. I would not dare speak on a subject I know nothing about, when such offers come I simply decline because it will be a shame to stand in front of an audience and bore them.
I can authoritatively speak on Internet, Technology, Social Media, Sales, Marketing, Motivation and Entrepreneurship.
My style of presentation will wow your audience except if I wake up on the wrong side of my bed that day, which by the grace of God is most unlikely.
2. My Experience as a Speaker
I come from a modest background and therefore grateful to the Creator for giving me the grace to use this channel to share my experience and in turn make an impact.
Make no mistake about it, the fact that you don’t see many comments here does not mean that this blog has not been a blessing to thousands. I had to remove the header because I was becoming too popular for my liking/concentration, sometimes I would be in an event or walking somewhere and someone would ask; are you CFA? If I say yes, he or she goes thank you for being a blessing!
What is my point? I would not just show them my presentation slides but would share my experiences starting with how I got a job with Globacom using positive confession or how Natureline Nigeria came to be or how my entrepreneurial adventure has consumed millions or how I have come to realize man is nothing with God. Each time I share my story with an audience, they are always blessed.
3. My Fees as a Speaker
I am not money motivated although I admit that money is important for us to maximize life to the fullest. What thrills me most is the opportunity to stand before an audience and impart some ideas and knowledge in their sub conscious.
I don’t ask for a dime to speak to youth organizations, churches, fellowships (FGBMFI) etc. And as for organizations, I don’t have fixed rates, so it is open for negotiation.
By the grace of God, I have the capacity and ability to deliver the same value, if not more, than some of the “big names” in the motivational speaking circuit.
Remember, when all is said and down it is not the amount of money you made or how popular you are that matters, but the number of people that can truly say; that your life is/was a blessing.
The greatest value in life is not your Bank account(s) but the legacy you leave behind – Jim Rohn
Have I been of service or a blessing to you in anyway? Simply leave a comment below or share this content on social media :-)