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Introducing Robert Butwin……
The inspiring story you are about to read is that of a great networker who discovered his passion after many years of being in business and followed it. His name is Robert Butwin – my friend and Mentor. Robert Butwin has been so successful in network marketing that he has trimmed his work schedule to just three hours a day, he plays basketball five times a week and most importantly he still enjoys his business.
How the Robert Butwin adventure all started
Read on…… Robert Butwin grew up in his family’s business with every expectation of someday running the show. After all, his family founded the high school award cheerleading jacket business, which was in its third generation in an ever expanding market and Robert was the oldest son! Robert’s future seemed certain as he worked in the business part time throughout college, and then joined full time upon graduation with a business degree.
But like most best laid plans, reality intruded on the blueprint for Robert’s success and his inspiring story. First of all, there was too much family in the family business! Second, Robert was repelled by the corporate politics which he knew existed in most businesses. And third – which proved to be the deal breaker – Robert did not want to be ruled by the expectations of others. He wanted to break free of the dictates about when he had to work, how long he had to work and when he could take time off.
Robert Butwin was fortunate to recognize early on that there had to be a better way; he wanted to earn money to live the lifestyle that he knew was possible without having other people’s rules etched in his soul. In October 1984, he got involved in a home-based business with the intention of being able to replace his income from his job at the family business within 3 to 5 years. While Robert learned a lot about business on his own, he also incurred a bit of debt which derailed the “better way” he had envisioned.
But as those who know Robert Butwin know—he’s not a man who gives up on his own or other people’s dreams easily. Despite the setback, Robert never lost sight of his vision of what it would be like to live life on his own terms. He knew what his terms were: not to have to worry about money – being able to wake up when he wanted and not tied to the call of an electronic rooster – taking a 30-step walk to his office to begin his day and playing basketball – his passion even now – on a regular basis. In his mind’s eye he knew his future involved world travel and making positive differences in the lives of those he came in contact with.
Robert Butwin took a big step toward making his vision a reality on September 7, 1990. On that day, Robert left the family business forever and began to focus 100% on helping others accomplish the financial freedom he enjoyed. Like many who have taken that giant leap, it wasn’t easy for Robert in the beginning. But he was determined, and that determination paid off. From his third year on, he has never earned less than $100, 000 per year, but has earned upwards of a million dollars! Robert now shares his wisdom as a mentor, speaker and communicator to those who, like him, want to live life by their own rules and have the financial security he enjoys.
Robert has twice been honored for his industry contributions by being named Networker of the year from the MLMIA. He is often invited to speak at network marketing and internet marketing industry events – – always with the intent of reaching as many people and businesses as he can – so they too can succeed as he has. In 2008 and 2009, Robert served as the Chairman of the Elite Network Marketing Congress in Singapore, showcasing the global reach of Robert’s mission.
Robert Butwin is a natural coach and author of the book Street Smart Networking, first published in 1994 to share his success secrets with others. Street Smart Networking is a no-nonsense guide on how you can live the most richly rewarding lifestyle you can possibly imagine. Buy this book from Amazon or contact me to get it locally. This book teaches you more than just being a Networker, it covers all area of life so it is a must read.
This is one of the many inspiring stories that will inspire and propel you to find your passion and follow it. More to come…….
I have already seen it somethere…
Thank you
cheri johnson
kinda wondering if he didn’t have inheritance money to get started and to start a business.
I don’t think so, he succeed because he had passion for what he wanted and he followed his dream!
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