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Africa’s greatest icon is no more. He has gone to the great beyond precisely a day to the 2nd remembrance of my kid sister who left this world on the 6th of December, 2013.
Besides the fact that Madiba was a great man who I will ordinarily not forget but his death came a day to the death my Miracle Agbata – this makes it IMPOSSIBLE to forget him even when I become 70 years old. By then Madiba would have been gone for over 40 years.
I remember how as young kids we used to sing numerous solidarity songs such as: “All we are saying, Free Mandela” – this we chorused multiple times sometimes screaming until we lost our voices.
I also remember another song that went thus: South Africa, hey hey hey Free Mandela. …. These were songs I enjoyed to sing and I did sing them from the depths of my heart in solidarity.
How about the day he was released from prison? The streets around where I lived turned into a carnival of some sort. As for me, I was glued to our TV set for hours and days watching loads and loads of documentary on the man Nelson Mandela, his ANC party and supporters as well as their style of revolution.
I never intended to blow big grammar (meaning use a lot of vocabulary) but simply give tribute to a great man who has lived a life worthy of praise and emulation. As a Christian, I believe he would give an account of his days ahead – my only prayer and hope is that he made peace with his creator.
A final word of advice to African leaders especially Nigerian leaders: Mandela will not be impressed or moved by crocodile tears – giving Africans good leadership is all that Mandela would ask for. This is not the time to blow tax payers money.
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