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Problem solving is as important as conflict resolution not just in life but in business. This one skill that I am so thankful that has become a part of my day to day operations especially as an Internet marketing expert and business consultant.
No doubt some people are born decision makers and can easily make quick and easy decisions, and also have no difficulty in acting upon them in an instance. However, this may not always be the case with everyone. I am absolutely certain that there are folks out there who have the natural tendency towards procrastination and are likely to find decision making and its implementation a bit too traumatic.
This used to be my story until I made up my mind to change for the better. Was it a tough decision? Yes, it was but with determination and focus I have become better at it.
So, should one still do business though one has a procrastination tendency?
The simple and logical answer is yes, by every means! If you desire going into business, there is simply no reason why you should not. The distinguished difference however arises when you as a person are born with an inherent character that makes decision making somewhat difficult. In that case, you must set things up in a manner where it should generally become less essential for you to make simultaneous decisions on a daily basis. Here, you could start by looking around at the sort of business which may be low key, where decision making is concerned, and wherein it is permissible to induct a feasible operating system that allows you to stick to it with a certain degree of easy and comfort.
This would imply that it will not be necessary for you to make decisions with the same quickness as may be demonstrated by others, and yet it needn’t be a matter of any serious concern on most occasions, particularly those who may be affected by these decisions. At this point, it would also pay to do some solemn thinking to the sort of business you are running. As already pointed out, it would be more advisable for you to pick a business that allows easy systemisation, especially the one that is less likely to demand a change, even when looked at over a considerate time period.
Having said that, there is nothing to suggest that you may not possess a particularly grand skill, which you are also exceptionally great at executing, and when a careful thought is given to the operational aspect of some business venture that holds the potential of making use of that skill, there no longer remains a convincing rationale why you should not consider to go into business of your own.
Operating Business on Long Term
Even if you should be the procrastinating type, so long as the fact is clear to your mind, you can still continue working your plans out, without being driven to make irrational decisions which you may yet live to regret over time. Along with which, if you should however still be compelled to make unpleasant choices, you should not make them in a haste but wait till such time as when you get the opportunity to discuss these issues with your friends, partners, a company accountant who you may normally find somewhat conservative, or those you may trust or feel comfortable with in your own trade. Moreover, you will soon find decisions must seldom be made instantly.
Marketing Part of Your Business
When it comes to the marketing part of your business, you will find the sample principle mostly applicable. Set a workable system for yourself and continue sticking to the same. You will only need to change something if it fails to produce the right results. But, once more, it will not be a decision that requires overnight action on your part. Simply carry out your research to come out with the right answers, and you are bound to be the eventual winner!
Your Path to Right Decisions
Your path for making the right decisions includes:
- take an A4 size sheet of paper(I use the good old pen and paper when brainstorming because I believe that it still has its place despite the onslaught of modern technology.
- as your header, write down the decision that you need to make, on the top side of your paper
- then strike down a straight line in the page centre
- in the left top corner of your division write ‘Advantages’ on one side, while in its other right top corner write ‘Disadvantages’
- now concentrate on listing down everything that in your consideration is likely to be affected by your current decision, both positive as well as negative in each respective column
- ultimately, you will have evolved a gradual pattern that should start indicating the best options available, pertaining to the correct choice for your decision
This more like carrying out a SWOT analysis of a business or situation and at the end of the exercise you are more than likely to confront a fair share of issues that operators of a business are apt to run into, but with motivation, dedication and a strong will to succeed against every odd, you should have little difficulty in overcoming the severest of these trade-oriented hardships.
Over to you, I would like to hear your thoughts in the comment box. Remember to share on Social Media if you found valuable.
Photo Credit: louveciennes