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One thing you cannot wish away in the world of business today is that it is fiercely competitive and this is bound to be like this, if not worse, way into the future.
Technology has made it easy to copy ideas and add a few things on it and claim it’s yours. The truth is that there is hardly any unique ideas in my opinion – what is rather unique is your strategy and style of execution.
There are quite a number of examples to back this up but I will not go into details as I believe that if you look closely around you will see some semblance of my point.
As you may or may not know, I started blogging in 2009 out of frustration having lost all I had in a couple of failed business ventures. I have written severally about these experiences so as to serve as an example to young and growing entrepreneurs.
Now back to the topic, I have been asked a number of questions concerning the series of giveaways (hyperlink to Giveaway) I started on both Tech Trends on Channels TV and the blog. Some of the questions are;
- CFA, can you sustain these giveaways?
- How would you ensure the process is transparent?
- Are you not foolish to keep investing in people?
- What is the overall catch in this strategy?
- How long do you intend to keep this going?
I have received so many more interesting questions. Long and short is that some people are genuinely worried, while others are waiting to see how the results might eventually be in the nearest futuire.
The fact is that I do not have, or claim to have all the answers. What I do know, however, is that this Giveaway is simply a way to keep the CFA brand and all its associated properties COMPETITIVE and RELEVANT.
I know I develop awesome content, but I realize that the average reader is already suffering from information overload – a number of things are competing for their attention. So, the giveaway may or may not necessarily convert them to follow only our platforms, it will, however, keep us fresh in their minds.
I left this in the pipeline for a while and I did struggle with it for many months until, finally, I cracked how best it could be done, using a tool called RaffleCopter.
Finally, I do not know how long the Giveaway will last but I am sure that it is likely to be an integral part of our strategy. It shall be here for a long time to come.
1 Comment
Emmanuel Dominic
I actually also held that thought, but the giveaways really serving its purpose
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